Minggu, 30 Agustus 2015

PDF⋙ Star Trek: The Newspaper Strip Volume 2 by Sharman DiVono, Ron Harris, Larry Niven, Padraic Shigetani, Martin Pasko

Star Trek: The Newspaper Strip Volume 2 by Sharman DiVono, Ron Harris, Larry Niven, Padraic Shigetani, Martin Pasko

Star Trek: The Newspaper Strip Volume 2

Star Trek: The Newspaper Strip Volume 2 by Sharman DiVono, Ron Harris, Larry Niven, Padraic Shigetani, Martin Pasko PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Edited by Dean Mullaney with an Introduction by Rich Handley. Collecting the second half of the rare daily and Sunday newspaper strip. Ten complete missions from October 26, 1981 through December 3, 1983. Stories by Sharman DiVono, Larry Niven, Martin Pasko, and Gerry Conway; art by Ron Harris, Padraic Shigetani, Bob Myers, Ernie Colon, Dick Kulpa, and Alfredo Alcala.

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