Mercedes-Benz 'Fintail' Models: The W110, W111 and W112 Series by Brian Long
Mercedes-Benz 'Fintail' Models: The W110, W111 and W112 Series by Brian Long PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Mercedes-Benz "Fintail" Models charts the development of the W110, W111 and W112 "Fintail" (or "Heckflosse") series, the line that helped revive the Mercedes-Benz brand in the post-war years. With a unique combination of exceptional engineering and a timeless beauty, even the most basic of these vehicles has a charm that is difficult to find in the majority of cars today. After outlining the company's history, this book looks at the development of the first of the "Fintail" models - the W111- and its launch at the 1959 Frankfurt Show. It also looks at the closely related 1.9 litre W110 and 3.0 litre W112 models, with the vehicles sold in the German, US and UK markets covered in detail.
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