Rabu, 30 September 2015

PDF⋙ Guided Meditations on the Stages of the Path (with 15 hour mp3 meditation CD) by Thubten Chodron

Guided Meditations on the Stages of the Path (with 15 hour mp3 meditation CD) by Thubten Chodron

Guided Meditations on the Stages of the Path (with 15 hour mp3 meditation CD)

Guided Meditations on the Stages of the Path (with 15 hour mp3 meditation CD) by Thubten Chodron PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

The lamrim (stages of the path) presentation of Buddhist teachings has become a core topic of study at many Buddhist centers in the West. For busy practitioners, the lamrim gives a concise and easily graspable picture of the Buddhist path. Best-selling author Thubten Chodron has a unique ability to present these teachings. In this volume, she provides clear explanations of the stages of the path, while the audio tracks on the accompanying CD contain guided meditations on each of the topics covered in the text. The meditation teachings of lamrim, says Buddhist teacher Thubten Chodron, are like ready-made clothes that are easy to wear: they're systematized so that we can wear them right away, so we can learn and practice them in an organized fashion.

Lamrim can be translated in various ways: "stages of the path," "steps on the path," or "gradual path." "Gradual path" reminds us that the process of transforming the mind, unlike so many other things in our hurry-up society, is a slow and thoughtful one. These systematic teachings are the subject of this book and the accompanying CD. The lamrim presents a step-by-step method to tame the mind, and each person will find meaning and insight according to his or her level of understanding. As readers practice these meditations repeatedly, their comprehension and experience will transform and deepen, even though the words used to spark the meditation sessions remain the same.

The first section of Guided Meditations discusses how to establish a daily practice, how to set up an altar, and how to approach the two kinds of meditation—stabilizing and analytical. The second presents the meditations. The third supplies an overview, instructions for working with distractions, antidotes to mental afflictions, advice for newcomers, and suggestions on how to deepen Dharma practice. The accompanying CD contains over fourteen hours of guided meditations, led by Thubten Chodron. Individuals who live far from Buddhist teachers or Dharma centers will appreciate the personal guidance offered with these meditations, enabling them to begin and continue a daily meditation practice.

This a new and expanded version of Guided Meditations on the Lam Rim, and the recording was previously published in a 14-CD format under that name.

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Guided Meditations on the Stages of the Path (with 15 hour mp3 meditation CD) by Thubten Chodron EPub

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