Kamis, 09 April 2015

PDF⋙ Kid Millionaire by Matthew Eliot

Kid Millionaire by Matthew Eliot

Kid Millionaire

Kid Millionaire by Matthew Eliot PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Start Small—But Think BIG. Start saving and investing now, and you could be a millionaire before you know it!

THE KID MILLIONAIRE is a commonsense, practical guide for helping kids discover the easy and empowering ways they can turn a small amount of money into a potentially large sum. Before it’s even time to launch a lemonade stand or a lawn-mowing business, this book will teach kids how to think about what’s needed to save, invest, as well as earn. Plus, dozens of creative business ideas will get kids excited about planning for the future.

Fun, informative, and straightforward lessons for a lifetime.

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