Kamis, 02 Oktober 2014

PDF⋙ Hiking Circuits in Rocky Mountain National Park by Jack P. Hailman, Elizabeth D. Hailman

Hiking Circuits in Rocky Mountain National Park by Jack P. Hailman, Elizabeth D. Hailman

Hiking Circuits in Rocky Mountain National Park

Hiking Circuits in Rocky Mountain National Park by Jack P. Hailman, Elizabeth D. Hailman PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Hiking Circuits in Rocky Mountain National Park is the first guide dedicated entirely to the loop trails of Rocky Mountain National Park, trails that return hikers to their starting point without the necessity of retracing steps or walking on roads. Having explored the park extensively for over 30 years, Jack and Elizabeth Hailman describe and map 33 circuits and component loops, with detailed driving instructions to the access points. Circuits range from a 15-minute stroll around a lake to strenuous all-day outings in the high country and even a few multi-day backpacking trips. Side trips are often recommended for viewing a scenic waterfall, summit, lake, or other natural feature. A convenient table lists circuits by walking time, allowing hikers to choose loops designed to fit their schedules. Each account includes a map, directions to the trailhead, trail distance, estimated hiking time, elevation range, exertion rating, segment descriptions for both clockwise and counter-clockwise hikes, and rail notes about the wildflowers, animals, and other natural history features encountered by the authors. Maps show the loop route, short access trails where applicable, routes of optional side trips, trail junctions, point-to-point walking distances, elevations of the trail points, and more. Included are appendices for natural history, local hiking supply stores, and fee schedules, with an extensive bibliography for reading and reference.

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