A Treasury of Jewish Inspirational Stories by Lawrence J. Epstein
A Treasury of Jewish Inspirational Stories by Lawrence J. Epstein PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
When we speak of God reaching out to humans, it is called revelation, and the human response to revelation is inspiration. A Treasury of Jewish Inspirational Stories is meant to move the head and the heart to appreciate, as author Lawrence J. Epstein writes, "the effects that divine influence and guidance have had on Jewish individuals, communities, and history." The stories he has gathered manifest the many forms of this human response. As in his previous best-selling volume, A Treasury of Jewish Anecdotes, Epstein shows us his remarkable skill of gathering tales and his talent for retelling them in a voice that speaks clearly to a contemporary audience. These are not stories of purported miracles. Nor are they always verifiable. Some of the stories are folktales, others are exaggerations. Some are biographical, others are snapshots from history. But all have a singular theme and goal: renewed faith in divine guidance or in the human capacity to do good deeds.From reader reviews:
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