Selasa, 20 Mei 2014

PDF⋙ Chapman Knots for Boaters by Brion Toss

Chapman Knots for Boaters by Brion Toss

Chapman Knots for Boaters

Chapman Knots for Boaters by Brion Toss PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

This classic reference (in print for almost 20 years) from one of America’s best-known knot authorities and professional riggers is as indispensable as ever. Whether you want to tie lines together, lash oars in place, attach a sail to a boom, or extend a towing line, the right knot is here, along with variations for specific conditions. The presentation is invitingly simple, with step-by-step illustrations and instructions that cover more than 65 knots, splices, belays, and coils, plus fancy work that transforms a plain knot into an adornment for handles and wheels. Author Brion Toss explains knotting jargon and encourages readers to develop a concise repertory of knots for their own day-to-day boating routines. In addition, there are practical tips on safe winching, proper tackle set-ups, and rope-end whipping.


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