Senin, 17 Februari 2014

PDF⋙ Arctic Tundra by Donald Silver, Patricia Wynne

Arctic Tundra by Donald Silver, Patricia Wynne

Arctic Tundra

Arctic Tundra by Donald Silver, Patricia Wynne PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

It’s a land of riddles, where a winter night can last for weeks and where the ground is full of water though it rarely rains or snows. Bears, hares, wolves, and foxes roam the ice-crusted earth, as flowers follow the sun as it moves across the sky. Young readers may never come to the Arctic tundra, but now it can come to them―in a book chock full of fun-to-do experiments and activities for children ages 6 and up that help them to solve some of the mysteries of this strange and forbidding world. Arctic Tundra includes a picture field guide, a glossary-index, and a resource list.

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